Wednesday, February 28, 2024


This morning, a customer who is a surgical nurse @ the hospital where James was, and a fellow believer in Jesus put something on my heart that was so right on time. I shared with her that when I try to remember good times w/my son, my mind automatically goes to when his illness/decline began. It was such a slow trauma. I told her about his autism, then realizing in Heaven he isn't autistic or not born Fragile X or dealing w/the fatal Scleroderma & I wondered what he was like holding conversations with informative thoughts & responses.  .

She reminded me:
  • that son is with God 
  • his new body is perfect
  • God loaned him to me (I always said that myself 😏)
  • God created the disabled & they sit 'high in Heaven'
  • God is loving on him 10x more than I EVER DID/COULD
  • my son is doing WONDERFUL things in the Kingdom
  • we are all on borrowed time
That was enough to set my heart at rest. I'm sure I'll still have triggers but as she said, 
when you start to feel like that again, remember everything I just told you. She also told me God sends angels with messages to us whether we realize it or not.

I told her she was living proof of that. Her name is Michelle. 'Angel Michelle' from now on. 💓💓

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