Sunday, November 25, 2012


One way to make sure you slow down is to take the time to help an elderly parent/relative. At the height of my supreme coffee buzz while I flew from one task to the other, mom needed help going to the grocery. This is no problem whatsoever, but I knew it would require me to get my 'coffee rush' under control.

At first the irritation of slow motion pissed me off! Lol! (the coffee wasn't cooperating). Then when I watched mom, I felt bad; she confused easily & was truly struggling with her knee. Suddenly, my heart felt warm and I was more than happy to be her eyes, her ears, her feet, her knees. I took on her small list with a vengence. I wanted to take care of her & ensure her safety.

When she dropped me off back @ home, she assured me she was okay with getting the bags out of the jeep. I told her to make sure her garage door was closed first.

Our roles have reversed. I vow to never be 'too busy' when she reaches out.

Picture: me
The Sunday Community
1 Timothy 5:4 ~
But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God.


  1. Hi Tracey, we've all been there; you are not alone not that makes it better to be irritable. I always try to think of myself at that age, which often scares me, but it sure gives me a major reality check! You're a good person, don't be so hard on yourself.

    1. Good morning, my friend. Thanks for understanding my feelings on this one.I often reflect how "we" are now our parents & our parents are now "our grandparents", if that makes any sense. My mom has always been such a superwoman, that it took me a moment to realize she can't always be that. Now is the winter season of her life; I guess I see that & it kinda breaks my heart. But it's the cycle of life, right?

      I remember when I was young, mom was young, too, & her & her niece were very close. They were always laughing, joking, whispering - like we do with our friends today. But when Grandma would call needing something, my mom & her niece would act SO put out by it all. I always felt bad for Grandma & vowed I would never do that to mom when she got older. Yet, like I said - I was behaving that way. So I need to have more passion, consideration & be more helpful. It's a constant reality check! Lol.

      Thanks, again, Chris. Your friendship warms me. :-)

  2. Oooh, forgot to add in my comment your photo is beautiful. Love the colors.

    1. Thanks a lot! With all this 'autumn/winter' bareness & lack of color, it's hard to find things to take. So then I start looking & down & there are things there. If you look, you'll always find something good :-)

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