Saturday, November 17, 2012


Hello friend,

I knew I'd meet you here. All I had to do was walk about & listen for you.

Let's sit in the sun for a while and chat. All is well here, and you?

Isn't it amazing how when we need each other, we know right where the other is?

I have a feeling you enjoy my company as much as I enjoy yours.

By the way, my name is Tracey. I'm sorry I didn't catch yours?

Welcome my friend. Very nice to meet you, Silence.


Sunday Scribblings word prompt: "silence"
Picture: me


  1. What I like about this is the tacit understanding that those words are not spoken they are not needed they merely record that no words are necessary when you are comfortable just being with other and enjoying life together.

    1. Thank you, oldegg. You described my thoughts perfectly, my friend.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Altonian. I truly appreciate that!

  3. Lovely. I liked the ambiguity. Is s/he with a real friend ---and words are unnecessary? Or is she communicating with silence itself?

    My response to the SILENCE prompt can be found here:

    1. CJ, I LOVED your post. I left a comment at your place. Thank you for your kind words here; I like the questions you propose. Blessings, friend!

  4. Hello love - beautiful words. Silence, it is a gift when we are surrendered, honest and have faith.
    Love Gail

    1. Hello sunshine! Silence is one of my very best friends. :-) Peace & love to you ~ me.

  5. Interesting. At the start I felt it was a welcoming acknowledgement of silence as a friend but then, at the very end, I wondered if there was a little bit of sarcasm, a little bit of rejection. Ambiguity makes poems interesting!

  6. Perfect! Silence is a wonderful companion and a respite from the noisy world! I loved how this was written, such a casual, comfortable tone.

  7. Silence speaks as strong as the words here!! loved this

  8. Thank you: J Cosmo Newberry, Josie Two Shoes & Lady in Read!! I appreciate your kindness! :-)

  9. Loved how the narrator accepts the silence as an answer, never gets a reply that's audible... but keeps on talking anyway! Now, some will call this strangle, but as for me, I hug trees and talk to my garden on a regular basis. Charming, and my first time here, thanks to Sunday Scribblings. Thanks! Peace, Amy

  10. Silence is delicious. So is your photo! I love a good color splash : )

  11. Fabulous picture to go with your thoughtful words :)

  12. Silence is soothing when we understand and accept it. Great writing!


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