This month is flying, isn't it? Here in the big O-H, there are some days that truly feel like Fall. While I love the Fall, it makes me sad to think my 'jungle' of a yard/porch of flowers & plants will prepare to go through their end of summer cycle. The morning glories are already changing, preparing for a long winter sleep; starting to get tiny leaves to create thousands of seed pods. I always wish after Fall is over that I had a summer home to go to until the snow & cold leave Ohio.
Anyway, in keeping w/Love Thursday, I have this thought about 'home.'
When I decided to end my marriage & L.A. life, the only place I could think of to refresh was coming back home to the Midwest. All I could think of was being in a being a quiet place, a more peaceful place, a place with parks, grass, 'real' trees (not palm), folks I knew, memories, a more affordable place and 'real' regular people who weren't always trying to be the next 'somebody."
Even though I never thought I would move back into the house I grew up in, I found myself with my mom and my ailing father. I was back in my old bedroom with one side fixed up 'nursery style' for my months- old son. I took that time to exhale, read volumes of books/magazines, go back to my old church, run into old high school friends and draw closer to my mother & her wisdom (it was she who recognized 'something different' in my son) & bask in the glow of being with family again. It was also a blessing in that I was able to help her with my father who had had a series of strokes. After living in 'not so sunny - friendly wise Los Angeles, it was nice to be in a place where every was so openly friendly.
Today, I'm still here, still being blessed daily, I bought a house, I've had car(s) since then, I'm employed, my son has grown into a loved young man and life carries on. I don't know what direction my life would have taken had I stayed in L.A., but at that time, the obvious answer was to come back home.
Pics: not mine, but they scream 'home,' don't they? :-)
Yes, they do. All three are just beautiful.