Monday, March 3, 2025

"March"-ing On

Well, it seemed like January lasted for 75 days, February lasted 2 and now March is here. My town didn't get a lot of snow this Winter, but the temps were simply brutal. I can handle cold; that's what they make the 'big coat', lovely squishy warm scarves and cute gloves for. Folks complained like it was something new. 😖

I've been reading over @ "Substack" a lot lately and today I created a profile. I don't know how often I'll write over there since I love my space here and have had it for-ever. But I was moved by the positivity and community and felt like I wanted to be a part of it. Then the introverted part of myself told me to post here. My fave writer there (so far) is "Alex Elle" and she's created a challenge called "joy spotting." I think it's the coolest. I didn't commit to join in but the idea is novel. 

I've been off work for 3 consecutive days (forced vacay) and it's so nurturing. Days off are usually Thursday/Sunday so it's nice to wake up on my own, sit in the quiet (TV rarely gets turned on) and let my mind wander. I've been trying to give my place the love it doesn't get when I'm working and I definitely feel like it's giving me a hug back. 🤗

Here're some 'joy spots' from this morning.

New diffuser. Me & the plants love it.

Yes, it's crooked. Lol. I fixed it, but you need much more than love.

"The Coffee Station." Coffee sign is placemat from Dollar Tree.

I don't know why I love things that SAY what they are.

Love how the rising sun lights up 'the jungle.' So do they.

Forgot I had this. Putting it to work.

I hope you find your spots of joy daily and embrace them. Gratitude is an amazing feeling.

Until next time ... 💋

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"March"-ing On

Well, it seemed like January lasted for 75 days, February lasted 2 and now March is here. My town didn't get a lot of snow this Winter, ...