When I hit thrift shops, or library book sales, the first place I hit is the inspirational section. Can you say 'treasure trove?' Out of the books you see, Daily Strength for Daily Needs' was a gift from my mother (ONLY because in her frenzy, she discovered she had duplicates), and the rest probably costs me $5, all together. SCORE! I always come home feeling good & can't wait until I can hunker down w/my books, a fresh pad of paper (for thoughts) & a pen.
And, what are the odds of finding the book "Random Acts of Kindness"?? I mentioned yesterday the RAK being given by Se'Lah & Anyes on 11/1/10. I take this as one of my usual 'life signs' that everything is all good.
Stay inspired, everyone! :-)
u r part of my inspiration today.