Saturday, May 5, 2012

Random thanks

Been thankful:
  • That Spring is in full swing here with lots of things blooming;
  • That my mammogram came back negative (Yay!!)
  • For the sisterhood and sound of my friend, Se'Lah's, voice &; her beautiful accent
  • For my ability to give cheerfully
  • That I was able to treat myself to another camera
  • That I am able to buy sweet little things for baby Tuesday
  • That I am able to practice being still, even when my mind races ahead of itself
  • That I find the beauty is so much in my life
A "Love" Tree
A perfect moment

A single wish cloud

Keep a dying art alive!!!


  1. What a wonderful post! I think Random Thanks is something we should all do....very often! Love your pictures, and agree that writing letters is becoming a dying art. I try to write when I can but since I "procrastinate", I find that emails and ecards can get my words where they need to be on a more timely basis! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, noexcuses!I'm a huge procrastinator, too, so I usually have to pick a time to MAKE myself sit down & make cards & write notes. I love the technology of today, but I know how good it feels to get snail mail. I usually try to do a "thankful Thursday' every Thursday to keep myself "in check." Lol. Please come back again. Have a beautiful day!


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