Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Being still

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." ~ Alan Cohen

Sigh.... Happy Tuesday, all.

Pictures by: me. This morning's sunrise. The picture of the plane inspires me to soar... if I could only figure out how. :-)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thoughts & blessings

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward

Good morning! Just stopping in to give thanks for a few things:
  • My health. This morning, I read Cassie's blog & she has a dear friend very near the end. Reading about the both of them made me truly thankful for my own health
  • That we finally woke up to strong sunshine & blue skies. Cold, but at least the sun's with us.
  • Friendship, near and/or far
  • That God truly does supply us with all we need, no more, no less. "Our daily bread..."
Blessings & peace to everyone.

Pictures by me. I am SO ready for warmth & color.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Soaring with the eagles

We were to travel 2 hours out of town this afternoon for Son's basketball game. I am trying to keep my sneezes & sniffles from becoming worse than they are, so I told Son that we wouldn't be able to make the game. He was clearly disappointed, yet he said "it's okay - my team will handle it for me." Then that 'single mama/single child' syndrome kicked in (again) and I insisted on buying him something for not making the game. He thought & thought and finally he said. "I'll just take some Skittles."

He's amazing.

And the wind beneath my wings.

Taste the rainbow :-)

Have a cozy Saturday, all.

Picture by: me

Friday, January 27, 2012

Quiet Signs Friday (w/words)

“You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.” – Jerry Gillies

We haven't had any snow to speak of (as yet), but we're getting plenty of rain.

Which creates little worlds inside raindrops. Winter has been good to us.

I love how everything is dormant, yet laid bare without inches of snow. Everything is still very much alive, just waiting and resting, patiently, & being still.

Which is a lesson for all of us, right?

“All wonders you seek are within yourself.” – Sir Thomas Browne

Wednesday was extremely dark and rainy, but I went out with the camera. I wasn't expecting anything at all, but the trees were covered in a gazillion starling. They were "talking" or singing all at once. The sound was amazing.

It was a ballet that was right on time.

Then they all left and the world was silent.

I had two of "the Best Cry Evers" & stay in constant prayer for Cassie, who is starting yet another battle for her life. Her cancer has spread all over. :-( But, she is such an amazing warrior with incredible future plans, a shining spirit and powerful faith. My heart stays in stages of break for her while she inspires the hell outta me.

I'm so glad she started a blog for this journey. She (& I) would appreciate the love if you would leave her some :-)

Inhale. Exhale. Impermanence.

"We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile." ~ Deepak Chopra

Pictures by: me ;-

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Little laughs

Watching a child's laughter teach a candle's flame how to dance. ~Dr. SunWolf,

If you've stumbled across this spot today, there is no way you can see this and not smile. This is our Miss Amiya reminding us all how to laugh at the smallest of things. What had her so tickled? Just the way i said "uh-oh!" while I snapped away. And yes, my sunglasses survived... Lol.

Happy Day, all


"When snow falls, nature listens." ~Antoinette van Kleeff

If you ever wanna hear yourself think, or hear God's voice speaking to you, take a walk outside after a snow. You'll hear all you need in the silence.

Pictures by: me :0}

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tiny messages

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

It's always cool how just when I'm having a crazy moment, I'll find one of these little treasures made especially for me. I have them everywhere sprinkled around the house & my bedroom. Just when I'm about to scream out loud, I look over & see a tiny message (exhale);

When I'm spreading myself very thin, I might look around & my eye will catch what I need to do (balance);

And just when the world looks gray, mean, and lifeless, a little word will remind of the good things to find (joy).

These are only a fraction of the blessings that came from my 'encounter with another human being, whom I can always count on to rekindle my inner spirit'. One love, to Se'Lah & her Necessary Room.

Thank you, sistergirlfriend.

Picture by: me :0)

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Quiet Signs" Friday (with words)

Listen to the quietest whispers of your mind. They are telling you the choices that will help you the most.”

Happy Friday, all. My mind is affixed on an opportunity I've been offered that is calling for a lot of pros & cons to be examined.

For the most part, the cons in this opportunity is winning. It's something that I've wanted for a while now, but if the links don't add up in my favor, I may have to let it go on past until the next blessing finds me.

Sigh, inhale & exhale.

Trying to focus on "the quietest of whispers."

Have a safe, warm, weekend, all! :-)

Pictures by me :-}

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Hey there! When I find pretty blogs with good ideas, I get all overwhelmed & start to hyperventilate. I found this pretty place & loved the idea of taking time to give thanks each day & calling it the "joy dare." There are even 'thankful' assignments for each day of the month & 'joy lists' for you to write your thankfulness each day. Did I say these two items are also pretty?

So, I printed them both out, gave thanks for yesterday & today, then felt goofy. I mean I was actually thankful for what I wrote, but it just looked so weird. Then I decided it's not weird - I'm not in the habit of writing things down, no matter how small. It should get better as I go.

I'm thankful I found such a place.

I am thankful that I had the chance to meet the accountant (last year) who prepped my taxes. She was also battling cancer. She passed away this past Monday. I'll never forget her presence, so strong, yet so frail.

I am thankful for my son's peaceful, calm, spirit.

I am thankful that "D" took it upon himself to take the left over pork roast, add it to the crock w/veggies & slow cook all night. The smells were heavenly & by morning, we had dinner ready & I had lunch.

I am thankful for family, always.

I am thankful for the power of words or a touch. It really doesn't require much to encourage folks, or give them a little touch when you're talking. You'd be amazed how relaxed it makes them :-)

Finally, I am thankful for being wonderfully, powerfully, and uniquely made. Thanks, God.

Till next time, stay thankful!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Light

Since I got home on Friday evening, I declared I wasn't leaving the house again until today when time for work. I really enjoyed piddling around the house, taking time to read, etc. But it's never quite long enough.

I am sharing some shots of the different types of light I experienced in and around the house, everything from my fireplace mantle (I adore tea light candles), to the sun setting in the kitchen, to incense, to my Snowman (who may just hang all winter since he, too, requires a tea light candle), to the way the sun shone through the icicles in the backyard.

Candles and good light - there's nothing like 'em. :-)

Pictures by: me :->

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chilled Beauty

I wanted to share some of our winter that finally caught up to us. Mother Nature at her finest :-) Enjoy!

Pictures by: me :-}

Friday, January 13, 2012


How about this new look, huh? I was tired of the old look & wanted something different - more grown up.

Did I clean up or what? Suddenly, it was all too much clutter! I mean, I'm not a sponsor of anything, nor do I have other blogs to connect to, so why have all that stuff taking up space?


Also, I lost 3 readers, so I thought instead of obsessing over that, I'd remove that 'follower counter' & not be concerned with how many folks follow or don't. I'm not the best writer, nor do I have deep or witty topics, cool recipes or Etsy pages, cute little children, a cool group of girlfriends, nor a career worth speaking on, a happy marriage, nor an unhappy one, no awesome poetry or a huge following.

So, here's to un-cluttering and growing up :-)

"Quiet Signs" Friday

Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours." ~Robert Byrne.

LOL! And winter is REALLY saying it today! This is a shot of my office window, if that gives you any indication on Winter's attitude. Happy Friday, all. Have safe, warm, weekends. :-)

"March"-ing On

Well, it seemed like January lasted for 75 days, February lasted 2 and now March is here. My town didn't get a lot of snow this Winter, ...