The reason for all the colorful flowers is because here in Ohio, we are void of all color. In this season, even though it's winter & thank God we haven't had any snow, everywhere is gray. Light gray, dull gray, dark gray - my soul calls out for color! LOL! So... I went back into my archives from just a few months ago to satisfy my color addiction. Don't the pictures warm you from the inside? Mission accomplished :-)
I am (latefully) thankful that I was bold enough to share part of my "life story" with MadameNoire's website and they posted my story!!! I am blessed with the kind comments the readers left for me. If you have a second, check it out here:
It's a story that I've told a few times, but I never sat down & put it to paper like I did. In reading it over, I guess it is inspiring, even though I just thought of it as doing what needed to be done. It's a story of complete determination & walking on faith. I feel like once I got comfortable & settled, my life got rather mundane. I want to fill my life with more determination & faith-walking in 2012.
I am thankful for a budding friendship with a family friend. Only in talking with her on FaceBook did I realize how strong, powerful and positive she is. She has weathered some storms in her life and is all the stronger behind it. We have exchanged numbers and plan to get together very soon. I cannot wait. It's so important for me to have a friendship like this right here in town.
I know I always mention Mom, but I am so thankful for her. We found a new lunch spot @ the Sam's Club! They have great pizza & hot dogs & it's so cheap, I can treat her always. For those precious 60 minutes, we catch up, laugh, talk, & hug. And I go back to work feeling blessed & fulfilled.
I read something that said: "As we grow in our lives, don't forget about our parents - they're growing older." That hit my heart. I look @ mom & realize she's walking much slower, forgetting, repeating, seeming kinda clingy. And I realize that she is the same beautiful, vibrant Jessie who used to be the equivalent to a super model in my eyes when I was young. She was strong, didn't take any shit, an awesome seamstress, gardener, hostess, mother of whom turned out to be six beautiful men and three beautiful women; and now she's older and more afraid & worried.
It makes me all the more fiercely protective of her.
And finally, I am thankful to be going into another New Year. Let's face it head on with no fears, no worries, no toxic anything. Let's be good to our hearts, to our friends, families, pets, but most of all to ourselves.
Love ~ Tracey. Thanks for reading :-)
Pictures by: me