Sunday, July 24, 2011

Close and yet

today, i discovered the gray kitty that i always see on the sidewalk, quiet & quick in the night,has been hanging out in my garage.

we surprise each other in the garden & I surprised him when he was unaware of me sitting in the warm summer nite on the porch. i believe he was calling it bedtime.

you can tell he belongs to no one, & belongs no where.
he is a beautiful thing, with a smooth gray coat.
and bright green eyes that fix on me when he begins to
dart away, & I call 'kitty, kitty.'

in that moment when he doesn't know if to run or to trust
we seem very close
yet extremely distant.

Picture: Internet (i would be surprised to get a photo of him w/his speed!)
Sunday Scribbling word prompt: distant.


  1. That's cats all over. A very nice story, but please do start fresh sentences with a capital letter, and use capital I for first person singular.

  2. Good luck with your little stay. I hope he will trust one day. Have you named him yet? ;)


  3. Time and patients builds trust, and distance is a state of mind.

  4. Really cute image.
    I agree with Mike...time & patience and maybe a little cat food will build trust. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. thanks for reading, everyone :-) @ Sharon - I haven't named him, just calling him "kitty." I hope he will stay, too, however, you know I have the 2 big doggies that go insane when they see him (LOL!)

    Thank you Mike & Andy. I think the trust is coming; yesterday when i was in the garden, we stared, frozen, at each other for about 5 minutes. He didn't run or flinch, so maybe we're getting closer. :-)

  6. Oh, those cats... so taunting, yet so feral

  7. First off, what a beautiful capture of him - exactly how you described him!

    And I'm sure that you guys will get to know one another better as that trust builds (and agreed - cat food should do the trick!)


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