Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good & saved

When I was young, my parents sent me & my 2 younger brothers to a very large church that was age-appropriate for us, so that we could learn & understand spirituality. This was a good thing; we had very kind teachers that made learning about the Word fun. We made friends, sang songs, learned the lessons/stories of the Bible, Bible verse contests, had camp sleepovers, picnics; it was nothing like the quiet, stuffy, "sit up straight" pains of our family church.

At the end of every Sunday school service, everyone went to the "big auditorium." This was where church services were televised, had a huge congregation with a big, booming pastor & the biggest cross I've ever seen in my life on the ceiling. I was very intimidated about going into "the big part", it was scary stuff: grown ups, that pastor's voice, that cross - surely Jesus, God, the devil & everything else was all up in there. I wanted nothing to do with it. But we had to go in because, as the teacher said, we may want to "get saved."

So, before the end of services the pastor called out for ones wanting salvation to come forth. I sat still as stone & peeked out to see if any of my classmates were going upfront. Since we were in prayer, there was 'sposed to be heads bowed, eyes closed, no peeking, but every time I looked, somebody was always looking right back at me.

One Sunday, I didn't think about what anyone else was doing. I wanted this great thing our teacher kept speaking of. So I stood up. My teacher stood w/me, smiling. After prayer & shouts of AMEN!! & clapping for those wanting Jesus in their hearts (I felt like I was on the red carpet), she took me into an empty classroom, we read passages from the Bible (John, 3:16, I'm sure) & I accepted Jesus into my heart to be my personal savior.

Following week: Same routine. I was no longer afraid of the "big church" & that big cross on the ceiling cause it was all gravy now. Jesus was my buddy, he was all up in my heart, I had been saved. HOWEVER... when the invitation was offered, I stood up again & was whisked away by a different teacher, who went over the same things with me. Again, I was happy. I was saved by the blood of Jesus!!!

Week three: Same routine. No fear. When the call came, I stood up. I noticed I didn't get as many claps, cheers & AMEN's this time. Hmmm... No, THIS TIME... my teacher grabbed the bottom of my dress & lowered me back into my seat.

Her: "where are you going, honey???"
Me: goin' up to get saved (said very matter-of-factly, like "goin to the store.")
Her: "you did that last week. In fact, you did that the last TWO weeks. You have been saved."
Me: "I know, but it always feels like it wore off by around Wednesday"
I'm not real sure what she said - she was laughing hysterically...

She then made me hold up my five fingers & remember the 5-fingered prayer: I. Shall. Never. Leave. Thee. She said Jesus is always in my heart since the 1st time I asked him. He's always been there & always will be.

That was so many years ago, but I remember it clearly as if it were yesterday. And, in my adult life, you had better believe there are many times I hold up my hand & say that prayer on my fingers.

You know - just to make sure "it's" still there & hasn't "worn off..." (LOL!)

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Picture by: me :-) (neighbor's sun-catcher catching the sun!)


  1. That is such a cute and funny story, will keep that in mind. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. thanks, Toyin O, for coming by and getting a laugh. I still laugh about that today! Come back again! :-)


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