Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Seriously? Day 24? Lol. Sometimes I don't know why I bother with these prompts. 😕

"Inspiring Movie": I loved this one. Eddie Murphy was 'bravo worthy' for sure. If you haven't seen it, don't sleep on it. It's purely worth it.

I got my photos submitted for the Arbor Day Photo Contest ("Tree-Mend-Us). I almost didn't make the deadline. The voting ceremony will be this Friday (27th) then the winners will be announced May 4th @ a ceremony at a very cool art gallery in our city's art district. I'll keep ya posted. Here are the submissions:

On the very cool end, I have a buyer for the black/white photo!! 😀 I never know what to charge for my pictures, but I think I've come up with a reasonable price. I have such a bad habit of under selling my talent/worth. If the buyer isn't happy with the price, that will be okay too.

On a not so cool end, mom's doctor has diagnosed her with "severe Alzheimers." 😩 We're in the process of obtaining guardianship. He said it'll get a lot worse as she'll begin to have angry outbursts. We have tons of information, options, etc., but I am SO heartbroken. He said she's rapidly declining & probably 'won't be with us much longer.' THAT was the heart-squeezer for me & I'm always on the brink of hot tears.

At a time like this, I stay in tight communication with God for strength & constantly reflect on the word "Impermanence" which was taught to me at a time when I was grieving for a friend.

The best we can do is spend as much time w/her as possible while we still have her.


Friday, April 6, 2018

April Love Days 4, 5 and 6

..... as you can see, I'm getting off to a great start - doing 3 days at a time! 😖

Day 4 - "Smile" (by: me)
 Nothing makes me smile more than my beautiful niece's smile.

Day 5 - "2018 So Far" (by: me)
 Welcome Spring!!! Still getting snow. Ugggh.......

Day 6 - "Blue" (by: me)
Blue skies reflected. So peaceful.

See ya in three days!!! 😁. Just kidding; I'll try to do better.

Until then.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April Is Love


To try to stay more consistent with this spot, I'm going to follow the April Love 2018 Photo Challenge by the wonderful Susannah Conway. I'm not a stranger to Ms. Conway's prompts and have completed several over the last few years. I usually do this on my FB page, but like I said I want to give this spot more attention.

So.... I will start with today (April 3, 2018) and go backward to April 1st. Here we go:

Day 3 - Inspiring Quote

Day 2 - Simplicity (Circle Art by: me)

Day 1 - Morning View by: me

Until tomorrow?? :-)

"March"-ing On

Well, it seemed like January lasted for 75 days, February lasted 2 and now March is here. My town didn't get a lot of snow this Winter, ...