Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Love 2105 - Day Two

April Love, Day Two - "My Favorite Flower"

A summer never goes by that I don't load up on the gorgeous Tuberous Begonia. The leaves are thick, rich dark green, while the blooms can range from reds to pinks to brilliant oranges. I usually buy several of each color and watch the magic begin :-)

Pictures by: me

April Love 2015

April Love, Day One

Of course I forgot about April 1st being the start of April Love 2015, after I promised myself to be on top of it!!

April 1, 2015 - "My Morning View"

This isn't my usual morning view. When I worked @ the law firm "in the woods", this was my morning view upon arriving @ work every day. I always took the time to shoot as I walked from my car. If there is nothing else I miss about not being out there, I DO miss the woods and all the beauty that came with it.

Picture: by me

April Love 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015


I've been needing to get stuff out of my head into this space for such a while, that now I can't put words together! It's good to be back in my little piece of the world after being offline since mid-November. To catch up: Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Now, back to me. Lol.

Things are going along, with or without me. The status of my house is still in the air. I've worried myself over it so long that I've just given it to God. Worrying doesn't fix or add anything to the situation. Actually, I've come to a calming peace about it.

March 23rd was three years that I've been out of work. I won't dwell on that one right now.

Mom is becoming increasingly forgetful, which is good considering she's 82 years. I cannot put into words the way I feel about watching her lose herself. She also seems increasingly sad. I mean she was never a happy person anyway, but now she can't find the joy in anything.

I'm very patient with her though. She may ask the same question 4 times w/in 20 minutes, but it's okay. She's still beautiful and still getting around, so there is much to be thankful for.

I've been reading TONS of books and magazines over these months. I should've made a list to share. I picked up this little cutie; it so fits me :-)

Spring has arrived!! I already see signs of plants returning after a brutal cold winter. It's always amazing how God does everything in His own time. There is a time and season for everything, and He's always right on time. "To everything turn, turn, turn........"

Peace & light.

Three Hundred Sixty-Three Days

  "Did you ever know that you're my hero?" As surreal as it still seems, my son has been gone from Earth for 2 days short of a...