Sunday, March 30, 2014


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). When we think of this verse, we usually think about “good works” as ways we can help others, and that’s true. Remember though: In the beginning when God was getting creative and bringing everything into existence, He evaluated His creation and decided it was “good.” Creativity can minister to a person’s heart the same way a meal or a hug might. (Inspired by "Project Inspired")
I listened to this very Podcast on this subject on the iPod (Midday Connection) while I created at my desk. I call this set of photo collage, "The Blues" compiled of the color blue that inspired me. Creativity inspired by God, indeed! :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

NaBloPoMo 3/23/2013

One day when browsing around, I came upon the "Suspended Coffees Program." How cool is it? You go into participating stores and donate to the cause; when folks come in that can't afford coffee, they turn in one of these cards & the store will give them a free coffee & a bagel or danish.

When I read about it, I had to know more. I Googled it and sure enough, a very small coffee shop downtown participates. I donated & had a great conversation with "Tommy B" who ran the place while his daughter was out. He said he lived in Chicago but came here to help his daughter/grandkids. He's 100% Italian and wears a black fedora cocked to one side.

I didn't have my camera, but he told me to come back anytime to take pix. I was disappointed to learn our sorry-ass local 'newspaper' hadn't found this gem news worthy. How can you support the small businesses if you don't know they exist? Sigh...

Anywho, Tommy B treated me to once of the best Chai teas I've had in a while, and gave me cards to pass out. The cards aren't necessarily for those who are down; they make nice 'have a coffee on me' gifts. The key is being motivated enough to participate.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

NaBloPoMo 3/22/14

Try something new.

I decided to try water colors. After all, on a 'craft binge', I bought multiple sizes brushes, water colors and a painting pad. Why? Who knows, but now I'm glad I did. After sitting on a shelf for a few months, I dove in. Then I thought to try ink, stamps & other little things.

I like the "kindergarten" effect of them all. Lol.

The 'wheels of my craft brain' are always turning. :-)

Friday, March 21, 2014

NaBloPoMo 3/21/2014

Updates & Thoughts:

  • on this second day of Spring, we got about three inches of snow this morning
  • a year ago this very day, I was fired from my job of 11 years
  • i'm still job searching, trying not to freak over finances, staying prayerful & faithful
  • i took another step toward creating my photo website and created this banner:
  •   Why is it taking so long, you may ask? Because I don't know what I'm doing. Lol!!! Just when I get my interests peaked, I suddenly back out. I still can't believe that folks would actually buy my stuff
  • I find with downtime, I'm cooking more serious dinners during the week as opposed to the 'Sunday dinner.' Last nite was meatloaf w/gravy, scalloped potatoes, fresh collard greens & corn muffins:
  •  "D" just called from work & told me the meatloaf was so very kick ass!!! Yay! He said I really nailed it this time & whatever I did; don't ever change it. (My secret is dry onion soup mix & salsa instead of ketchup; give it a try!! :-)
  • If I hear the song "Happy" again by Pharrell, my ears will bleed. I like it, but enough is enough already
Finally, the NaBlo prompt for today: Friday, March 21, 2014 - Do you do more for yourself or for others? I DEFINITELY do more for others before I do for myself. Even when I'm out in public, I'll go the extra step to make sure a person who needs help gets it. I'm a giver & doer for others; it makes me feel so good. Like a win/win situation.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

There are no "sides"

I am the daughter
Remember how your parents always were in charge of your lives until you grew up and moved on?

What happens when the roles are forced to change?

Your are the mother

And what happens when the role reversal is met with sheer, intense resistance? When the mother will never admit there are things she can't or doesn't remember? Is it her fear of losing independence? What about when you have 7 siblings who the mother calls "those other people" because they, too, have expressed concern?

Role reversal can be scary
It's time to lay down the role of 'best friend, encourager, cheer-er upper, running buddy" and be honest. When I expressed my own concerns, they were met with disdain. "You've been talking to "them!" "I need you to have you OWN opinion!" "I need someone I can depend on to support me "against them!"

Sigh... there are no "thems", there are only "us." ALL of us. I shared that all concern came from nothing but love.

There are no sides.

Three Hundred Sixty-Three Days

  "Did you ever know that you're my hero?" As surreal as it still seems, my son has been gone from Earth for 2 days short of a...